As we move away from a very structured school year and into the freedom of summer I wanted to thank each and every one of you for your efforts this past spring. Some highlights this past spring were:
- Learning to become efficient at practicing with our Wanted in the Wild West practice incentive
- Our spring recital...featured beginning and advanced students playing everything from classical music to pop music with almost 100 family and friends in attendance
- Re-inforcing our understanding of major and minor pentascales with the very fun "Misadventures of Agent Major and Professor Pentascalius"
- Reinforcing our understanding of Middle C and Treble C position with "It Smells Like Treble" starring Maxwell A. Skunk
- Completing five different piano "adventures" with Cami the Camel
- Celebrating what we learned over the summer with a pizza and piano party at the end of July for all students in the studio.

I know family vacations and summer camps will be happening over the next two months so please don't forget to let me know when you'll be out of town!