Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January News

I'd like to welcome Alexa, 8, to piano this month. She's excited to learn and has already impressed me with the good practicing habits she's developing.

Both Will, 9, and James, 11, started on Fur Elise last week. It's been awhile since I had someone work on the complete, unabridged version. I'm looking forward to seeing how they do, and how long it takes them to finish the song...I'm telling them to expect to spend a looooooooooooong time it.

I have several older students starting to study the history of classical music and different periods of music. I think I'm looking forward to digging through my files and finding music from the different periods even more than they are :)

Keep practicing, everyone!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lessons Begin Again

After a delightful two week vacation in California with my family over the Christmas holidays I'm back in Georgia. It was fun getting to catch up with lots of extended family, friends, go shopping in downtown LA, wander around the beach, eat lots and lots of Mexican food, AND I even spent some time playing duets with my older sister (as you can see by the toys strewn about in the picture the boys had a great time at their grandparents). Now its January and I'm ready for lessons to resume!
The Christmas Recital was a lot of fun and I enjoyed getting to meet your family and friends and celebrate your accomplishments of the last year. Now that we're in a new year I'm looking forward to helping you learn new music and set new goals. If you have any ideas write them down and bring them to your lesson. January lessons begin tomorrow, January 9th, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again!